Thursday 5 January 2012

Patria- Liturgia Haeresis ALBUM REVIEW

Release date: 2011
Type: Full-length
Label: Drakkar Productions
Country: Brazil
Genre: Black Metal

-written by todesengel89 of

Since their formation, Brazil's Patria has had a constant flow of releases, with at least a full-length release per year. Liturgia Haeresis is the band's third full length album in 3 years, and the extremely raw and almost nature-themed album artwork left me with an expectation of raw, cold and atmospheric black metal, though the grim-reaper at the foreground certainly bodes ill.

The raw and gritty production quality instantly hits the listener in the face as the album opens with Death's Empire Conqueror, but beyond that it is unadulterated Norwegian-styled black metal with the riffing patterns and the vocal styles. The band alternates between aggressive guitar lines and more melodic lines, striking a nice balance between the non-emotional and the emotional. Vocalist Triumphsword's style alternates between desperate shrieks and growls, and fits the required emotion at any point in time, at times helping to bring out the bleakness and desolation in the music, yet at times pleading in desperation.

Instrumentalist Mantus, on top of the usual black metal trem-picked riffs, play with various effects as well such as the artificial harmonics on Death's Empire Conqueror, having a jarring effect on the listener. On top of guitars, Mantus also handles the rest of the instruments (i.e. bass and drum duties), and it is nice to see how they are handled without compromise as well, as evident from the powerful drumming throughout the album. While nothing flashy or particularly technical, he manages to keep the fast and energetic pace of the music.

In terms of songwriting, the band does not fill up the entire album with one particular style, providing some variety in the music for the listener. Besides the melodic lines that are present on tracks like Sons of Destiny, the band also brings in some slower moments such as on Nevoeiro, taking a break from the fast tempo and pace that they have been going at for the past few tracks. The instrumental track Legio Mortis Nostrae also displays the band's viking/folk metal influences, with the sound of epic war drums in the distance, and the spoken vocals present. Darkland Worship also brings in some quiet moments with a clean section, before the world comes crashing down. The cover track, Amorphis' Black Winter Day, brings in some clean vocals and executed in such a way that it reminds listeners of Bathory's viking-influenced material. Overall, Liturgia Haeresis is an enjoyable album with little surprises along the way, and is sufficient to capture the attention of the conservative black metal fan.


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